How To Get Rid Of Flies In The House
Posted by Ivana Hermida on
House flies are among the most common pests in the world. Once they enter your home, they are difficult to get rid of. Not only are they extremely hard to catch with their aggravating buzzing and zig-zag flying paths, flies can spread bacteria as they hunt for food near trash, feces, and decaying remains. Flies have the ability to transmit harmful diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, hookworm, cholera, typhoid, dysentery, and more.
While flies are regularly seen during spring, summer, and fall, they are considered a year-round pest. They enter your home to feed on trash, warmth, and moisture. Although they are various species of flies, they all are attracted to similar things. Fortunately, this makes it easier to eliminate them from your home.

Here’s how to get rid of these buzzing pests:
Knowing where flies thrive and feed is the first step to removing them from your home. Depending on the environment and food supply, flies can live up to 2 to 4 weeks. Most house fly infestations happen indoors.
Flies can be mostly found in the kitchen where filth collects. They are attracted to trash, therefore it’s essential to make sure your home is clean and sanitized both inside and outside.
For indoors, clean up any spills right away, as flies are attracted to moisture.
- Check for any spoiled food or drinks and throw them out and replace trash bags frequently.
- Pay close attention to foods such as fruits and vegetables that are commonly left out on the counter.
- Keep trash cans sealed at all times.
- Clean up any grease or food residue that may have collected in your kitchen.
- Mop and vacuum floors where trash and food may land.
- Check the garbage disposal and ensure gunk is not building up.
- Keep an eye out for any hot spot areas such as litter boxes and compost piles.
Along with indoor care, it is essential to target areas outdoors that will attract them and encourage them to come inside for more.
- Seal up any cracks, holes, and open areas that flies can access.
- If you have pets, clean up feces in the yard right away.
- Avoid keeping outdoor trash cans close to the home.
- Empty trash cans frequently and keep the lid shut.
- Be aware of manure in the yard, use sparingly.
- Clean up any food and drinks outdoors immediately after consumption.
- Inspect areas that can build up scum and dirt, such as gutters.
Once you have done all of these things, maintain a regular cleaning schedule to keep them from returning and reproducing.
After identifying where the flies are and eliminate any environment in which they can feed and breed on, the next step is prevention.
DIY Treatments
There are various ways in which you can catch house flies around the home without spending a lot of time, effort, and money.
One of the easiest homemade fly killer techniques is the water trap method. Water traps are a great alternative for those who do not want to use chemicals inside. Get step-by-step instructions on how to create a water trap here.
Outdoor fly traps should be placed at least 30 feet from your home to prevent them from flying inside. For more protection, place traps near tables, barbeques, and other areas in your yard where people eat and leave trash. Traps are inexpensive and can be found in home improvement and pest control stores.

The most efficient and effective approach to get rid of flies in the house and ensure they don’t return is with spraying or fogging. With a concentrated insecticide spray and using a battery backpack sprayer or battery backpack fogger, you can easily eliminate any existing flies and future reproduction.
Spraying can be done both indoors and outdoors. For indoor use, target hard to reach areas in the kitchen. In between cracks, windows, and around appliances. You can also spray on countertops, but clear the area before doing so. For outdoor use, spray on door frames, window frames, porch lights, and overhangs where flies accumulate. Spraying should be done once a month for complete pest control.
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